A first for Camerata Nova and a unique opportunity for Winnipeg audiences! We are very proud to present the renowned Montréal early music group, Les Voix humaines. Founded in 1985, they have toured the world, played with the finest early music musicians and produced more than 40 recordings.
Perchance to Dreame… Paradise was lost when Charles I was executed in 1649, leaving a drab stage to the Puritans and a musical moratorium. After a decade, the Merry Monarch, Charles II, returned from Europe bringing a new musical dream to the Fairest Isle. The stage was set for Henry Purcell and a new golden age of English music. Charles Daniels, tenor; Sylvain Bergeron, lute; and Susie Napper and Margaret Little, violas da gamba, perform the music of Purcell, Henry and William Lawes, Christopher Simpson and John Jenkins.
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